While very soon all babyboomers will leave the labour market en masse, generation Y will make its entrance to the workplace. This generation grew up with the Internet and is used to global connections and limitless access to knowledge and information. The young people of this generation work independently and identify more with their network than with the company they work for.
The arrival of this new generation workers urges a different kind of leadership: leiderschap 2.0. There is a need for people who know how to influence others in a network of relations with independent professionals.
Such leaders inspire others with their ideas and vision. They want to make a difference and create a sustainable, yet flexible organization. They lead from trust. These leaders facilitate connections and intercations, they are connectors rather than decisionmakers. Their openness sets an example for a transparant culture. They give priority to what really matters and make use of technological possibilities to realize that in a simple and cost effective way.
These new leaders attract others because they have shown to be followers themselves.