Writing is my greatest passion in life. In the past thirty years I have written many books and articles on leadership, inspiration and new ways of organizing. I also wrote two book on selling, a book on spirituality in daily work, a cookbook and a book on my favourite French region Burgundy.
I regularly write articles, among others for the platform Managementsite, where I am editor of the Channel Organizing with Purpose. In that role, I coach colleagues who wish to publish about their work. If you consider writing an article or have ideas that might lead to an article, do not hesitate to contact me.
Since the spring of 2020 I lead a new agency, Schuijt & Co, focused on text & language. I help people to give words to their ideas and experiences. My services include:
Writing coach
I coach people who, from a commitment to their profession, wish to write an article or a book. As a coach I help them translate their most fascinating cases into an easy to read article. I help managers and professionals to express their personal vision and values. With (starting) entrepreneurs I work to find the words for the products or services they wish to provide fort heir customers, so they can share a clear message on their website.
I help PhD students to rewrite their research findings into a publication that is accessible for a large audience. To CEOs and administrators who wish to communicate with their staff through a personal blog, I give advice on how to tell their story, and I edit their draft texts.
The past few years, as a ghost writer, I have written several books for others on leadership, change and organization, most of which have been published. As ghost writer there also other themes of subjects I can hep you with. If you have a half-finished manuscript in a drawer, or a pile of drafts that you can’t get finalised, I can help you turn your materials into a complete book. And with my contacts in the publishing world I can help you get it published.
I have also written several portraits of scientific researchers and entrepreneurs. I am available for writing corporate biographies (e.g. for a company anniversary) and biographies of entrepreneurs.
To contact me, send me an email.